Foothill Gold Line from Glendora to Montclair Engineering Work Completed

Earlier this week, the Foothill Gold Line Construction Authority board of directors approved the advanced conceptual engineering (ACE) draft documents for the 12.3-mile, six-station Foothill Gold Line light rail project from Glendora to Montclair. The documents are now being distributed to the corridor cities and key agencies for a 60-day review period.

This is an important milestone in the Construction Authority’s effort to ready the Glendora to Montclair extension for construction. Engineering for the project began in Fall 2014, and took about 35,000 man hours to complete.

The ACE documents contain more than 700 pages of engineering drawings detailing all elements of the light rail project. Fourteen categories of project components are covered in the document, including the design for the six future stations and parking facilities, two dozen grade separated bridge structures, two dozen at-grade crossings, walls and fences, street improvements, the safety and communications systems and more. With the entire 12.3-mile corridor shared with freight, the drawings also detail the freight track relocation to make room for the two new light rail tracks.

Construction of the new extension is estimated to cost $1.2 billion, with the majority of the funding anticipated to come from Measure M, a half-cent sales tax measure being placed on the November 2016 ballot by Los Angeles County Metro. If approved by voters in November, the Foothill Gold Line will be one of the first projects in the measure to break ground.

For more information on Measure M, visit

To view the latest fact sheets on each future station, go to

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