The following article appeared in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin on May 7, 2015.
Artist for Pomona Foothill Gold Line station shares vision for public art project – Inland Valley Daily Bulletin
By Monica Rodriguez
May 7, 2015
POMONA >> The auditorium of the Palomares Park Community Center was filled with maps and boards with facts and dates about the Foothill Gold Line Azusa-to-Montclair light-rail project Thursday night.
In the middle of the auditorium was a display that explained the public art component for the line’s Pomona station to be carried out by artist Stephen Farley.
The Pomona station would be located west of Garey Avenue and north of the existing Metrolink station in North Pomona.
“The most important thing about Pomona is its diversity and how people help one another,” said Farley between conversations with residents who attended Thursday night’s’s project open house.
His public art proposal will serve to showcase Pomonans who have inspired and made a difference in other people’s lives, he said.
Residents can nominate people and submit a picture of their nominee — a person such as a family member, a teacher or figure in the city’s history — and in a few words describe how the nominee had an impact on their lives.
Each set of photos and description will be turned into a pair of tiles that will decorate the station, Farley said.
Each of the six stations in the Azusa-to-Montclair portion of the Foothill Gold Line will have its own artist and its own theme.
Groundbreaking on the project, which will have an expected total cost of $1.18 billion, is expected to take place sometime in late 2017, said Lisa Levy Buch, spokeswoman for the Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension Construction Authority.
At this point, about $36 million have been set aside for the first phase of construction, she said.