Editorial: Metro Gold Line funding gets light rail closer to Claremont – San Gabriel Valley Tribune

The following excerpt appeared in the San Gabriel Valley Tribune and Pasadena Star-News on June 28, 2017. To read the full editorial, click here.

Editorial: Metro Gold Line funding gets light rail closer to Claremont – San Gabriel Valley Tribune


By The Editorial Board

June 28, 2017


The good news for rapid transit in the San Gabriel Valley is that the Metro board voted last week to fund the 11.5-mile extension of the Gold Line from Glendora east to Claremont to the tune of $1.4 billion.

The bad news is that the nine-year project is still in search of $249 million of that funding.

Additionally, if the light-rail project is to be extended another mile east to Montclair, as we have long supported, negotiations with the San Bernardino County Transportation Agency toward pitching in need to go smoothly. So far, that agency has about $30 million but needs an additional $37 million to help bring commuters from the inland county into the Los Angeles system.

But to reach the larger figure that will get riders to Claremont, the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Board of Directors at least has a plan. It will attempt to raise the extra cash by applying for cap-and-trade funds paid to the state by polluters that emit greenhouse gases.

To read the full editorial, click here.

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