Look at the crudely crafted image above. What does it signify? If it hasn’t hit you by now, that’s the speed the project has gained since voters approved Measure R in November 2008. Since then, the Foothill Extension has been picking up lots of momentum (that crude image proves it), and we are now quickly closing in on the groundbreaking. So what’s next?
Well yesterday, the Gold Line Foothill Extension Construction Authority Board issued two bid packages for firms looking to build Phase 2A (Pasadena to Azusa) of the Extension. Please bear with us as we use some technical jargon you may never have heard before.
The Board issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) to the six firms who pre-qualified late last year to compete to build the Iconic Freeway Structure over the 210 freeway. The Board also issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for firms looking to compete to build the alignment (track, stations, crossings, utility systems, etc.).
This is very good news and is important, because it keeps the project on track for breaking ground in June. And it gets us closer to creating the nearly 7,000 jobs and $1 billion in economic revenue from the construction of just this phase alone, as was revealed in the LAEDC’s economic impact report published earlier this month.
Duarte Gets Its Billboard Unveiling Party
Tomorrow, at the future site of Duarte’s Foothill Extension station, elected officials, business chambers, City of Hope employees, and various community members from the City of Duarte will congregate to celebrate the unveiling of their station billboard. The event takes place from 10 AM to 11 AM tomorrow, Saturday, at the future Duarte station at 1500 E. Duarte Road, Duarte, CA 91010. If you’re around the area, stop on by!
I thought I would take a ride on the Gold Line from Pasadena to Hollywood this weekend to be a bit more “green”. I purchased a one way ticket and was off to Hollywood! Lively ride by the way, buy I will never rude the metro again after what happened in my return to The Lake station. I recieved a citation because my one way ticket was not really a one way ticket but only a one line one way. Thanks LA sheriffs for giving ne a $250 ticket when there was no one totell me I needed a second $1.25 ticket. Never will I support metro and I have been telling all I know to never ride again. Maybe if you had a place to enter a ticket I would have know I needed another ticket.
I’m sorry Nichole that you had to go through that. If this happened to you, then that definitely will happen to many other first time transit riders as well – so this is a definite concern. You should contact Metro’s customer service and see if it’s possible that they do something about it. Their contact information is here: http://www.metro.net/riding_metro/riders_guide/contact_us.htm
Please don’t give up on the Gold Line!
For God’s sake it says right on the ticket that it’s only good for one way on one line.
If you’ve never ridden Metro before, maybe you should have read the ticket before you assumed it included free transfers. If you’re going to take multiple lines, always get a day pass.
Please don’t give up on the Gold Line – we need every single person we can to ride this so it’s not an empty train 95% of the time!!! Everyone wear their ‘I Will Ride’ t-shirts so as to distract people from the reality – that VERY FEW PEOPLE will ride! In fact, outside of peak hours, Foothill will lucky to see even 50 riders PER HOUR.