Duarte is the third new stop along the Foothill Extension from Pasadena to Azusa and is home to the world-renowned City of Hope National Medical Center, an independent biomedical research, treatment and educational institution. City of Hope is a recognized leader in the fight to conquer cancer, diabetes, HIV/AIDS and other life-threatening diseases and is located just steps from the future Duarte station.
Additionally, the City of Duarte is home to the Duarte Historical Museum and the Justice Brothers Racing Museum. The Historical Museum is open to the public a few days a week and is volunteer run. The Racing museum, founded in 1985, has a wide variety of vintage circle track racecars, ice racing motorcycles, street rods, restored classics, Indy cars, dragsters, midgets, a stadium truck, historic engines, model cars, antique gas pumps and even a Pitts acrobatic biplane hanging from the ceiling.
There are many attractions located a short bus/bike ride, or within walking distance from the future Duarte Gold Line Station. Click here or on the image below to be directed to the Duarte Interactive Map to learn more.