Last week, we said the $10 million win was just a toe (not even a foot) in the door towards our goal of getting the Foothill Extension constructed to Azusa in 2013. That door opened just enough that Metro will now consider putting up a real timetable and funding plan for the Foothill Extension – which brings us to the Long Range Transportation Plan (also known as the mother of all transportation plans).
The Metro Board of Directors is scheduled to host a Special Board Meeting on June 11 at 1 PM to discuss the LRTP and to receive input on what projects should be included. We’ll be there, of course, to cover the meeting on our Twitter feed @iwillride. But most importantly, we encourage every San Gabriel Valley student, teacher, worker, and resident to come and speak out in favor of the Gold Line Foothill Extension. We need Metro to commit to a continued stream of funding for the extension from 2010 through the end of construction, as the Measure R “contract” with voters outlines.
For the San Gabriel Valley residents who don’t know what the LRTP is, it’s basically Metro’s long-term plan to address the transportation needs of the entire county. That 210 freeway sure looks like it could use some help transporting SGV residents to and from work.
What is the address of the special board meeting?
Hi Darryl,
The address for the Special Board Meeting (aka the Long Range Transportation Plan Workshop) is
MTA Building
One Gateway Plaza
Los Angeles, CA 90012
It’ll be held at the Metro Board Room on the 3rd floor.
I hope you can attend!