The following excerpt appeared in the Los Angeles Daily News on October 28, 2016. To read the full commentary, click here.
Measure M would get L.A. County transit up to speed: Zev Yaroslavsky
By Zev Yaroslavsky
October 28, 2016
My L.A. story began as our county’s comprehensive streetcar system was being dismantled. Once I started driving, my story continued with daily interruptions caused by gridlock on our freeways and roads.
Now, however, I am hoping that the voters will write a new and better chapter for our region by voting yes on Measure M, the Los Angeles County Traffic Improvement Plan.
Our old Red Car system allowed San Fernando Valley residents to easily wade into the waves crashing onto Santa Monica’s beaches. It made it possible for residents of the San Gabriel Valley to commute to Downtown L.A. and beyond. It’s how workers in the South Bay traveled to their aerospace and other jobs throughout the region.
That is the sort of interconnected, comprehensive transportation system that Measure M would deliver, and that is why it deserves our vote.
To read the full commentary, click here.
I am afraid that none is reading these comments.
My comment is not related to this particular item, but rather to what I see is a marketing effort by Metro that needs improvement.
For several weeks I have been pointing out that the link to near the very bottom of labeled “Facts About Measure M “DOES NOT WORK. I would really like to see it if if this page actually exits.
Instead., I get the message “The Measure M page you’ve requested can’t be found” in BOLD type.
PLEASE GET YOUR IT PEOPLE TO FIX THIS. It actually may be too late, as the election is only a wee from today.
I am still waiting for a single single webpage for each sub-region that describes ONLY the projects proposed for that particular sub-region with some brief details, a sub-regional map, and time line, and DOES NOT confuse the reader by including a hard-to-read table and map showing ALL proposed projects FOR ALL sub-regions.