Metro board approves draft plan for potential $120 billion in transit tax spending – San Gabriel Valley Tribune

The following excerpt appeared in the San Gabriel Valley Tribune on March 24, 2016. To read the full article, click here.

Metro board approves draft plan for potential $120 billion in transit tax spending – San Gabriel Valley Tribune

By Steve Scauzillo

March 24, 2016


The Metro board of directors Thursday released an ambitious plan for a [40-year] transit tax that would generate more than $120 billion for highway, rail and bicycle projects throughout Los Angeles County.

The 13-member board’s action begins a two-month comment period, a public airing of the plan that includes ground-breaking and completion dates for 88 projects stretching over 40 years. That period will conclude in June when the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) board is scheduled to formalize the half-cent sales tax measure for the November ballot.

To read the full article, click here.

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