Fresh off of last month’s Metro Board meeting and last week’s public-private industry workshop, the Pasadena Star-News’ editorial board took the time to weigh in on the recent developments surrounding the Foothill Extension. The piece vents a similar frustration about Metro and the County potentially losing out on federal funds in the next cycle by excluding the extension. For the entire editorial, click on the link below.
Again, without arguing the merits of those two projects, it’s clear that they are not nearly as far along in terms of planning, engineering and land acquisition as the Gold Line Foothill. The two will only be available for federal funding five to eight years down the line, while the Gold Line is ready now. Would the MTA risk missing out entirely on upcoming federal New Start funding just to push two pet projects that are not yet qualified?…
… We reiterate that the project needs Metro’s support. Which is why we are once again urging the Metro board to place the project in the agency’s Long Range Transportation Plan, and commit the $875 million from the half-cent sales tax San Gabriel Valley residents are currently paying.