VIDEO: Preparations Underway as Major Construction Begins July 10, Starting with Full Closure of Gladstone Street at Railroad Crossing in San Dimas (July 10 – Sept. 30)

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After months of preparations, coordination and design work, KPJV is now set to begin major construction on the Glendora to Pomona project next week. The first major construction activity will take place in San Dimas, as crews work to rebuild the railroad crossing at Gladstone Street. The activity was planned to begin in early August, but has been moved up at the request of the city to July 10. This activity will require a full closure of the street at the railroad crossing for vehicles and pedestrians for three months, while crews relocate underground utilities, relocate the freight track, install the light rail tracks, install new safety equipment to make the crossing safer for motorists and pedestrians once Gold Line service begins – and much more. Local access to homes, businesses, schools and medical facilities on Gladstone Street, east and west of the closure, will be maintained at all times.

For more information on the Gladstone Street closure, including available detours and contact information for construction-related questions, click here to see the construction notice.

Below is a video that highlights the last pre-construction activities currently underway to prepare the railroad crossing at Gladstone Street for next week’s closure, as well as other activities that occurred in June throughout the project corridor. Click here or below to watch.



  1. Elizabeth Matthews says:

    I am very disturbed about the comment that parking at light-rail stations could be cut in half. Parking at the existing stations is deficient. I live in Glendora and have occasion to use the Citrus station during the day. I can NEVER find a parking place and end of driving to my desired destination. I have even driven to Azusa and Irwindale, only to find there is no available parking space available at those locations. I have often wondered, “Did ‘they’ not anticipate people would ride the train?” As the State raises the gasoline tax and the highways become more crowded, since the route is being extended, it seems only reasonable to provide sufficient parking!!

    • Albert says:

      Hi Elizabeth,

      If you want to submit comments on the potential Project Modifications to parking facilities planned at the stations to help frame issues to be addressed in the Supplemental Environmental Impact Report, please submit your comments to the address below no later than July 8, 2020:

      Lisa Levy Buch, Chief Communications Officer
      Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension Construction Authority
      406 East Huntington Drive, Suite 202
      Monrovia, California 91016-3633


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