The following segment appeared on ABC 7 Eyewitness News on February 19, 2016.
VIDEO: Trains on Metro Gold Line Extension to Start in March – ABC 7 Eyewitness News
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By Sid Garcia
February 19, 2016
ARCADIA, Calif. (KABC) — Metro’s Gold Line extension from Pasadena to Azusa starts operating on March 5.
Until then, the transit agency has been running tests to make sure all of the safety features work – and to help drivers and pedestrians get used to sharing the road with the trains.
New stations on the 11-mile extension will include Arcadia, Monrovia Duarte/City of Hope, Irwindale, Azusa and APU/Citrus College.
Metro officials are warning people in those communities to get used to paying attention – listening for bells and watching for the safety arms to come down – when they cross the tracks.
“Pedestrians, take the earphones out when you’re around the trains,” said Metro executive Bruce Shelburne. “It’s really important. You need to hear these trains.”
Starting Sunday, the test trains will run every 15 minutes on weekends and every 12 minutes on weekdays.
A future phase of the Gold Line project that has not been funded yet would extend the line another 12 miles, with six stops from Glendora to Montclair.