In 2008, hundreds of students from the dozen of universities and colleges that line the Foothill Gold Line route started a rallying cry – “I will ride!” – in reference to the need to extend the Gold Line east along the Foothills of the San Gabriel Valley. Through their effort, was created and afforded an online platform for students and the broader community to show their support for completing the Gold Line to Montclair. In 2009, the students asked the Construction Authority to build on their efforts and maintain the site moving forward. has become an important part of the agency’s communication program ever since.
In order to improve on the usability of the site, the Construction Authority has redesigned Today, as part of the launch of the redesigned blog, we hope you will take a moment to look at the new site and see all of the exciting progress underway on the Foothill Gold Line. While you are there, tell us “Where Will YOU Ride?” when the Gold Line is completed!
Tell us where you will ride to on the Foothill Gold Line. Click on the image below or visit or