Work scheduled to begin later this month on tying Gold Line Foothill Extension into existing Gold Line! – The Source
The following story originally appeared on the The Source website on November 5, 2013. Work scheduled to begin later this month…
The following story originally appeared on the The Source website on November 5, 2013. Work scheduled to begin later this month…
This week, crews installed reinforced concrete girders onto the light rail (LRT) bridge abutments for the two LRT bridges over…
The following story originally appeared on the David Allen Blog, a running column feature in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, on…
The following story originally appeared on the La Verne Online website on October 27, 2013. La Verne Hoping to Strike Gold…
From left to right: Eugene Daub and Anne Olsen Daub – San Dimas station artists; Ruth Ann Anderson – Montclair station…
The following story originally appeared on the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin website on October 24, 2013. Gold Line officials look to…
The following story originally appeared on the Pasadena Star-News website on October 24, 2013. Azusa-to-Montclair Gold Line seeking new tax dollars…
Each flag shown here on the Operations Campus identifies the location of a future OCS (overhead catenary system) pole. More…
Crews adjust the vertical and horizontal alignment of the tracks in Azusa.
The following story originally appeared on the LA Observed website on October 3, 2013. Caltech ranked top university in the world…